Have you ever wondered if you or your child might have ADHD? You are not alone. It is estimated that four percent of individuals have ADHD, and many go undiagnosed. Why? Because the symptoms of ADHD can be confused with so many other problems, such as anxiety, depression, trauma, learning difficulty, work stress etc. Not being accurately diagnosed can have significant consequences. Untreated ADHD can impact school, work, career, relationships, physical and mental health, and financial stability.

What is ADHD?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (formerly known as ADD) is a neurobiological condition that affects people in different ways. While symptoms are present in childhood, they can often be overlooked. Frequently, it is not until adolescence or adulthood that it becomes obvious that something is wrong. When finally diagnosed, it can often be a relief to know why things have been such a struggle for so long and that something can be done about it. 

symptoms of ADHD

While symptoms of ADHD vary from individual to individual, some common signs include:

  • difficulty completing tasks, disorganization, procrastination, failure to pay attention to details

  • impulsivity, blurting things out, interrupting others, difficulty following a conversation

  • frequently losing or forgetting things, being easily distracted

  • indecisiveness, or making a rash decision without thinking through the consequences

  • fidgeting, restlessness, talking excessively, feeling as if you are constantly driven by a motor



Testing for ADHD

ADHD presents in many different ways. There can be subtle differences between men and women, and symptoms may change over time. Teens and adults may get treated for symptoms that are secondary to ADHD - such as anxiety, depression, substance use, or low self esteem - and never know the real issue. This is why it is essential to be assessed by a clinician who has specific training and experience in ADHD.  

There are three types of ADHD assessment, depending on your goals and needs:

  1. Clinical Interview and Screening: This usually takes three to four hours and consists of an in-depth interview, a questionnaire about current symptoms, a questionnaire about childhood symptoms, and, if possible, a review of school records. In addition, a highly sensitive continuous performance test is used as well as other tests of attention, memory, and executive functioning.

  2. Comprehensive Assessment: If you are looking to document learning differences in order to obtain accommodations at school or on standardized tests or licensing exams, such as the SAT, GRE, GMAT, this type of assessment is necessary. It usually takes about six to nine hours of testing and three to five hours of analyzing the data and writing a detailed report. More complicated assessments can take longer. The report will provide information on cognitive and academic strengths and weaknesses and make appropriate recommendations.

  3. Documentation Update: If you or your teen has a clear history of ADHD, a current diagnosis, and/or a previous comprehensive assessment, a documentation update provides a leaner, abbreviated assessment that can be used to request accommodations. Exam and licensing boards often require that an assessment is no more than two or three years old.

If you are unsure what type of assessment might be best for you or your teen, please contact me. I am happy to talk about the process and the cost and time commitment involved.

Learn more…


Few clinicians are trained to test for ADHD. This is why there are so many misdiagnoses or under-diagnoses. I have specialized in psycho-educational assessment and have received specific training in ADHD testing. I have provided psychological and psycho-educational assessments for students at both public and private schools in the San Francisco Bay Area, and for college and graduate students at UCSF, UC Berkeley, San Francisco State University, and the University of San Francisco. I have also conducted assessments for the California Department of Rehabilitation, Hartford Hospital, and Kaiser Permanente. 

I specialize in working with individuals aged 12 and over to assess for ADHD. Through a careful and thorough assessment, I am able to differentiate the symptoms of ADHD from other possible diagnoses. I can then make recommendations for treatment and suggestions for accommodations at school or work.

To get tested in Healdsburg, CA, follow these steps:

  1. Contact me to set up a free 15 minute phone consultation

  2. Schedule a convenient time for testing (weekend appointments are available)

  3. Find out if ADHD has been holding you back, review treatment options, get the help you need to thrive